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Black Clover: Kankaku Piero will perform the anime's sixth opening theme song
black clover
kankaku piero
opening theme
Kankaku Piero returns to perform theme song for the Black Clover anime. The song titled "Rakugaki Page" (Scribble Page) is scheduled for release in January, and will be the sixth opening of the series. The band previously performed the first opening of the series "Haruka Mirai", which you can hear below.
Black Clover: Kankaku Piero will perform the anime's sixth opening theme song
Kankaku Piero returns to perform theme song for the Black Clover anime. The song titled "Rakugaki Page" (Scribble Page) is scheduled for release in January, and will be the sixth opening of the series. The band previously performed the first opening of the series "Haruka Mirai", which you can hear below.
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